Amazing Photoshop Manipulation From Expert Designer

There are many photoshop manipulation you can see at google image, but i have some manipulation from expert designer to develope your imagination, Lets see it : Its cool right :D and for the last picture is my manipulation. ^_^  not expert hehe....

Solved Duplicate Offset CorelDraw

Hello guys, i have tips to you about coreldraw today. I solved this problem when i want to make a stamp at coreldraw. I'm using CorelDrawX4. The problem is about duplicate an object. When i want to duplicate a circle that i had draw it by press Ctrl + D. The circle is move another place like this. Is boring to select all object then press C then E at keyboard to make them unite. But i have a simple tips to solve this. Try follow my instruction below : 1. First, you need to go to Tools >...

Free Download Bismillah Kaligrafi Islami Vector

Have you ever had difficulty in the idea of ​​designing a wedding invitation card. Yes, I've been there before. For a Muslim, the sentence is a sentence Bismillah in starting an activity that everything be smooth by Allah SWT. For a designer, especially for me the sentence has become the main thing in making wedding invitations, banners, etc.. However I have provided Bismillah vector file that you can download for free here. Is included in the file's format. Ai (Adobe Illustrator). Eps...

Top Best 5 PowerPoint Templates Design

If you have no idea about your powerpoint design or templates, dont worry about it cause today, i have great power point templates for free just for you. This the power point templates review from proffesional designer. This is not time to waiting for, just click this link, its free for you. I'm glad if you can visit my blog again anything about design will post at here. so, dont miss it :D thx Rar pass : designblogsip.blogspot.c...

Wooden Fence Designs Offer a Rustic Look

One of the finishing and sometime necessary touches on a home is the fence. If you have a space that you can equate to a yard, you most likely want to enclose it so you not only have privacy, but some security too. When it comes to fences there’s a whole host of materials and ideas to choose from. One of the best choices is wooden fence designs. Wood is naturally beautiful and with so many different designs to select from you’re sure to find one that complements the exterior of your home.  It’s...

Beautiful Embroidery Design Art

Are you a needle crafts buff? Embroidery is, arguably, one of the most refined of the needle crafts. The very fine thread allows for detailed designs which are almost like paintings. Variations in the number of threads and length of stitches, along with raised work and knots can form intriguing, beautiful effects. Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of this craft is the embroidery design. There is no reason to stick to purchased designs. If you embroider, or would like to learn, you probably have...

Design Your Own Water Feature

Whether you are a corporate millionaire, or just someone with a backyard to decorate, designing water features can do a whole world of good for the layout of your land. After all, there is nothing more soothing than flowing water. A lot of people take a pretty simplistic approach to decoration, so they miss the point. After all, when you design water features, you have to put some time and effort into it, as well as some money.  Water features are not cheap. Setting up a...