Best Application Convert Bitmap Image to Vector

Best Application Convert Bitmap Image to Vector | Do you have difficulty in processing a bitmap image? I'm sure if you work as graphic design, you must be difficulties in enlarging and print bitmap images. To obtain a smooth design, you need to convert images into vector shapes. Vector Magic is the answer to your current difficulties. Vector Magic is the best application to convert bitmap images like JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs to the crisp, clean, scalable vector art of EPS, SVG, and PDF. You only...

Create Your Own Lovely Garden Design

For those of us who love to garden, garden design is a subject near and dear to our hearts. When the winter months deprive you of the chance to roll up your sleeves and dig some dirt or tend the flowers, nothing can stop you from poring through the seed and plant catalogs, dreaming of spring. Plans to put in a cutting bed or create a mini-field of perennial wildflowers dance in your head like sugarplums, full of fun and promise. Without a cohesive plan for your planting adventures, you may end...

Room Design Ideas

One of the hardest parts of redoing your home is deciding what you want for room design. Though you may have something in mind, and may have seen something that inspired you in your quest, putting together the specifics can be a bit time consuming and a little frustrating. If you really can’t decide what you want to do, you do have the option of looking around for ideas that fit what you want to do, and you can also decide to throw caution to the wind and wing it. Room design does not...

Kitchen Cabinets Designs

If you want to put a fresh look into your cooking space your best bet is to consider different kitchen cabinet designs. Your cabinetry has a commanding presence in this room. They serve as a focal point for the space which makes them a crucial factor to your overall interior decorating theme. There are plenty of different kitchen cabinet designs to consider and each one can transform your space. Whether you have a spacious room or a cozy kitchen, the right color and style of cabinetry will...

Amazing Photoshop Manipulation From Expert Designer

There are many photoshop manipulation you can see at google image, but i have some manipulation from expert designer to develope your imagination, Lets see it : Its cool right :D and for the last picture is my manipulation. ^_^  not expert hehe....

Solved Duplicate Offset CorelDraw

Hello guys, i have tips to you about coreldraw today. I solved this problem when i want to make a stamp at coreldraw. I'm using CorelDrawX4. The problem is about duplicate an object. When i want to duplicate a circle that i had draw it by press Ctrl + D. The circle is move another place like this. Is boring to select all object then press C then E at keyboard to make them unite. But i have a simple tips to solve this. Try follow my instruction below : 1. First, you need to go to Tools >...

Free Download Bismillah Kaligrafi Islami Vector

Have you ever had difficulty in the idea of ​​designing a wedding invitation card. Yes, I've been there before. For a Muslim, the sentence is a sentence Bismillah in starting an activity that everything be smooth by Allah SWT. For a designer, especially for me the sentence has become the main thing in making wedding invitations, banners, etc.. However I have provided Bismillah vector file that you can download for free here. Is included in the file's format. Ai (Adobe Illustrator). Eps...

Top Best 5 PowerPoint Templates Design

If you have no idea about your powerpoint design or templates, dont worry about it cause today, i have great power point templates for free just for you. This the power point templates review from proffesional designer. This is not time to waiting for, just click this link, its free for you. I'm glad if you can visit my blog again anything about design will post at here. so, dont miss it :D thx Rar pass : designblogsip.blogspot.c...